This blog will not be updated for the foreseeable future - if you can contribute, get in touch! 19/06/11

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Works Cab returns to Crewe

Crewe Heritage Centre had an interesting delivery from Carnforth on Monday:

The 'Works Cabs' or 'Crewe Cabs', were two, four wheeled boiler trolleys, which were fitted with a canopy, partial sides and closed ends. One of them, usually hauled by 0-4-0 Saddle Tank ran every working day to a timetable between the Old Works (Heritage Centre) and the West End of the Steelworks. It could be used by any workman or foreman who had business along the route, and to carry items required at other locations, and would also be used to transport the wages around the works on payday. This particular cab was used in the works until about 1975, probably just for pay.

The second Cab was used by managers and visitors, it only ran on instruction and was used between Crewe Station and the General Offices and any part of the works as required.

Both Cabs, were refurbished and upholstered including having glass doors fitted for use during the royal visit of King George V and Queen Mary in 1913.

This surviving cab will remain at Crewe Heritage Centre, and once restored, will continue to reside at the Centre.

Picture credit: SC; information credit GH citing Brian Reed's "Crewe Locomotive Works and its Men".

Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre - Supporting Crewe's Culture, History and Heritage from before the Railways to Today.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Triple Anniversary Weekend and Reunion

Triple anniversary weekend:
  • 60 years since British Rail formed
  • 40 years since End of Steam
  • 20 years since return of Steam to Crewe
Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre - Supporting Crewe's Culture, History and Heritage from before the Railways to Today.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

150 Years of Crewe - Shrewsbury Line

It's 160 years anniversary of Shrewsbury Station and 150 years anniversary of the Crewe to Shrewsbury line this year; a fortuitous train cancellation gave an hour on Shrewsbury station, where a temporary exhibition was found, celebrating these anniversaries in the tunnels beneath the station. Courtesy of Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust who were happy for me to take photos of the displays. Clicking the images will enlarge them.

Of particular relevance for Crewe were displays relating to the Shrewsbury Rail Disaster of 15th October 1907, which killed eighteen people - two from Crewe: Frederick Owen Fletcher, a fireman, and Samuel Martin, a driver. The train was formed at Crewe, and consisted of fifteen vehicles - eight of which were LNWR, including a Travelling Post Office (TPO). It derailed on a steep curve approaching Shrewsbury Station travelling at 60 mph instead of 10mph.

Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre - Supporting Crewe's Culture, History and Heritage from before the Railways to Today.

Old Tickets to Crewe

It's 160 years anniversary of Shrewsbury Station and 150 years anniversary of the Crewe to Shrewsbury line this year; a fortuitous train cancellation gave an hour on Shrewsbury station, where a temporary exhibition was found, celebrating these anniversaries in the tunnels beneath the station. This board showed tickets to / from Shrewsbury from 1899 to the present. Some Crewe tickets were located. Courtesy of Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust who were happy for me to take photos of the displays. Clicking the images will enlarge them.

Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre - Supporting Crewe's Culture, History and Heritage from before the Railways to Today.

Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th August 2008

Signalling Weekend
National Model Railroad Association Day 17th

Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre - Supporting Crewe's Culture, History and Heritage from before the Railways to Today.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

A piece of Crewe in Wales

A small testimony to the huge numbers of people, materials and products which went out around the country and world from Crewe Works, shaping the railway world in a very literal manner is this little signal box.

It is probably contemporary with station improvements at Llandrindod Wells around 1876, and is an early London and North Western Railway Company example of the flat gabled type - made in Crewe Works.

The box was moved from the level crossing further north, to its current site and officially opened again in 1990.

The Signal Box Museum is open mainly at weekends between May and September inclusive, and staffed by volunteers. Contact Builth Wells tourist information for specific times to see this bit of Crewe in the historic Welsh Spa town.

Llandrindod is served by The Heart of Wales Line between Shrewsbury (Amwythig) and Swansea (Abertawe). The town stages an excellent Victorian Festival in late August each year.

Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre - Supporting Crewe's Culture, History and Heritage from before the Railways to Today.