This blog will not be updated for the foreseeable future - if you can contribute, get in touch! 19/06/11

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Who's Who - Changes

The committee of Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre changed substantially at a meeting on 27th September 2009, and is now made up of these officers:

Chairman - R M Kenny
Vice Chairman - D Lever
Secretary - R Fenner
Treasurer - A Kettle
PR Officer - G Lewis
Membership Secretary - E Brockley
Newsletter Editor - I Haselgrove
Committee - P Robinson, S Haynes, J Silmon

These, and other members help out in a variety of up front and behind the scenes as and when time permits.

Keep watching for situations vacant; the Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre is growing and there are plans to do much more.

Friends of Crewe Heritage Centre - Supporting Crewe's Culture, History and Heritage from before the Railways to Today.

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